Thursday, April 22, 2010

Reality Check

Such a bad run yesterday! But I guess it's to be expected, after taking three days off of running. Ran a warm-up mile at 8, that felt fine. But from the first step I had the 'when will this be over' feeling. That's always a hard one to overcome, that negativity towards what I'm doing, and when it pops up in the first few seconds, it's especially hard to deal with! So I ended up running only three broken miles, the fastest at 7:20--not at all what I was hoping to do, but it was just one of those days I guess. At least I stretched afterwards! :) Then a nice climb, and no swimming.

Today went a little better..had a good swim where I worked on a lot but it only ended up being 1k! That's ok, though-I'll swim long tomorrow. Then in the evening I was about to go for a run in the park when I ran into some friends headed to the track! So I joined them, ran a warm up mile, and two 800s. The first was 2:58?! WAY too fast for me. But it really felt slow! So..maybe my legs just feel worse than they actually are? Anyways, ran the second at a much more reasonable 3:25. Done. Wrapped up the night with an hour of good climbing!

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